Carmel Boone


1154C Surf Highway 45




Email: [email protected]
Phone: 027 5923320
URL: Visit Website


Studio open by appointment outside the trail days

Toilet facilities available

Art Trail

West Taranaki

View West Taranaki Trail Map

Something happened the day my four year old son boarded the silver bird for the month that took him to another country 6,000 miles away. It was a potent portal that schlepped me into the silence of a blank canvas, transforming my forty nine year old, grieving heart through art. Doors closed, new doors opened and an entirely new world revealed. My iNiTiATiON had begun, apparently it was time to paint. Then, and now, I still don't have a vision before I start to paint; it’s not me who's painting. Each layer of paint, a compliance with creativity, unfurling a life of it’s own; another emergence of the great mystery unfurling, dreaming life into existence, one step at a time, from the inside out. Void of art-school rules, bar the dialogue with my own source energy, pouring through, until the canvas stops talking, and the moment is complete; a new creation staring me in the eye, telling a story I've only just now heard. Two years later I am grateful to be here as a self-guided, mixed media, acrylic, contemporary abstract artist; rewriting the future through art. I look forward to meeting you soon!

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